Aquarium Videos for Inspiration and Care | biOrb US – biOrb [US]


Click on a color block below to quickly navigate to the helpful section you'd like to explore.

How to Decorate a biOrb Aquarium

CLASSIC 30 (8-gal)

CUBE 30 (8-gal)

FLOW 15 (4-gal)

HALO 30 (8-gal)

LIFE 15 (4-gal)

TUBE 15 (4-gal)

How to Maintain a biOrb Aquarium

Complete Cleaning Guide

Changing your biOrb filter is quick and easy

Changing the Airstone in your biOrb is easy

The easiest way to change the water in your biOrb

biOrb cleaning with the Multi-Cleaning Tool

How to change the color of your biOrb (new remote)

How to change the color of your biOrb (old remote)

How to AIR 30 Videos

AIR 30 Start-Up

Temperate Plant Set-Up

Arid Plant Set-Up

Tropical Plant Set-Up

AIR 30 remote tutorial

AIR 30 lighting settings

AIR 30 climate settings

AIR 30 watering & humidimist

AIR 30 changing the filter cartridge

AIR 30 cleaning

Why is my AIR 30 blinking?

How to AIR 60 Videos

AIR 60 Set-up

AIR 60 Planting

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